Installing Office365Migrator

Office365Migrator Requirements

Install Office365Migrator

  1. Download the installation package from the link provided in your registration download e-mail.
    (Request download here)
  2. On the Exchange server that will serve as your migration server, install the Office365Migrator setup package.

Configure Office365Migrator

  1. From the start menu, choose more applications > Office365Migrator.
  2. Sign-in to the Office365Migrator application using an account that has local administrative permissions on the server where Office365Migrator is installed.
  3. Click Configuration in the navigation pane, bottom-left.
  4. In the Exchange Online configuration section:
    Enter the username and password for an Office 365 Global Admin account. Note: This account should exist in Office 365 only and not be synchronized with Active Directory.
  5. In the Exchange On-Premises configuration section:
    • Enter the name of the Exchange Server that will serve as the server from which mailboxes will transit to Exchange Online.
    • Enter the username and password of an Active Directory account that has both Active Directory and Exchange administration permissions
    • Enter the External DNS name of Mailbox Replication Service that was defined during the configuration of Exchange Hybrid.
  6. In the E-mail routing settings section:
    Enter the name of default domain name to be assigned to mailboxes migrated to Exchange Online.
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